Amsterdam, October 27, 2020 – maincubes, operator of high-availability and secure data centers in Germany and the Netherlands, Circle B, a company providing value through services and solutions based on community-driven hardware and software, and ITRenew, the global leader in Circular Cloud and sustainable data center infrastructure, announce a strategic partnership to drive greater prioritization of data center sustainability and enable IT operations and infrastructures that are efficient, highly flexible and environmentally friendly.

Together, the companies will deliver IT environments that leverage the same Open Compute Project (OCP) principles and advanced technologies used by the world’s leading hyperscalers. By joining forces, these industry leaders will enable high-performance infrastructure and modern IT environments that are environmentally responsible, including complete colocation solutions that make it easier for customers to scale efficiently and achieve their sustainability goals without compromise. With this collaboration, the companies are creating a clear path for all enterprises (no matter the size) to achieve similar benefits to those that are enjoyed by hyperscalers.

As concerns over the data center’s impact on global climate change become more acute, it becomes increasingly clear that the future of IT will center on sustainability and responsible digitization as a core pillar. The truth is that there is a better way to satisfy global data demands while minimizing the negative impacts that we currently see. Now, we’re building that sustainable future with the launch of this collaboration,” states Oliver Menzel, CEO of maincubes. “As a result, the market will benefit from greater availability and accessibility to open solutions, along with accelerated times to market with integrated, ready-to-deploy and optimized solutions, all with the sustainability both our customers and the planet deserve.”

The benefits of open compute solutions include enhanced flexibility, greater operational efficiency and improved compute density, as well as optimized power and cooling, streamlined maintenance and lower total cost of ownership. The first major joint OCP project from this partnership — an Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) platform — will be published by the partners by year end 2020. More detailed information will be available in the near future.

“Sustainability is not a trend, but an urgent necessity. The basic idea of sustainability should characterize every business decision: from the first ideas for the construction and the selection of the installed technology to the cooperation with partners and the development and introduction of new innovative ideas,” comments Menno Kortekaas, CTO of Circle B. “As industry leaders with a history of proven innovation, Circle B, ITRenew and maincubes together represent a source of extensive market insight, ecosystem expertise and familiarity with customer challenges and business imperatives. This makes us an ideal team to take on this mission.”

“Given the current global climate, it’s more important than ever that businesses adopt sustainable, circular models. Doing so confidently, without compromising quality or performance, and at the best economics requires a new approach,” notes Ali Fenn, President of ITRenew. “We’re not just talking about the issues of carbon reduction and responsibly meeting data center demand with this partnership, we‘re taking action and delivering real solutions. Together with Circle B and maincubes, we have the opportunity and the imperative to make advanced solutions broadly available.”

All three companies have a history of commitment to driving OCP adoption and innovation across the data center environment. Underscoring this is the OCP Experience Center, operated in part by Circle B (a solution provider to OCP) and located in the maincubes AMS01 data center in Amsterdam. The OCP Experience Center helps CIOs, CTOs, IT managers and data center managers understand the impact of OCP designs on their facilities. The Center also allows for testing of OCP-based solutions relevant to specific IT environments. ITRenew, a Platinum OCP member, transforms technology from the world’s leading hyperscalers into rack-scale compute and storage systems that make the financial and sustainability advantages of open hardware accessible to all.  

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About maincubes

maincubes is part of German investor and real estate developer Art-Invest, which is part of the German construction conglomerate Zech Group. maincubes has data centers in Frankfurt and Amsterdam, and a network of high-availability data centers of various sizes and types in Europe, enabling it to provide colocation services and secure ecosystems for the digital future of customers across various industries. Via the secureexchange® digital platform customers and partners of maincubes can use IT services worldwide such as IoT, (cyber) security and connectivity as well as cloud services to expand their business opportunities. maincubes offers secure, efficient and user-friendly services – and a secure home for your data. To learn more, visit

About Circle B

Founded in 2012, Circle B is a technology company which is committed to designing, building and managing innovative IT infrastructures. As a solution provider for the Open Compute Project, Circle B creates cloud and edge server infrastructures based on the hyper-scale designs of companies like Facebook, making this rapidly deployed and energy-efficient technology available to the general marketplace. Circle B is part of Taurus Group B.V. – a group of technology companies that share the philosophy of open source and open hardware. To learn more, visit (web), (LinkedIn), @circleb_eu (Twitter).

About ITRenew

ITRenew, the Circular Cloud leader, refuses to settle for a world that pits economic success against social good. ITRenew creates second lives and reuse pathways for the most advanced technology on the planet, bringing circular economic benefits to the data center and IT hardware industry. This approach to unprecedented data, application workload and infrastructure demands opens up billions in new financial opportunity, slashes e-waste and CO2 impact, and makes hyperscale hardware accessible to and affordable for all. Our products and services power cloud and enterprise data centers, edge infrastructure, AI/ML, embedded and industrial systems, which is why the  world’s leading data center owners, service providers and enterprises choose ITRenew to revolutionize how their infrastructure is managed and deployed. To learn more, visit and follow ITRenew on LinkedIn and Twitter @ITRenewinc.

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